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Do you have questions about Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and other types of Energy Work? Find your answers here.

  • What are my responsibilities?
    Clients have specific responsibilities to ensure a successful healing journey: Your healing is yours to own. Utilize the advice given as it suits your unique circumstances, applying judgment to adopt what resonates personally. I (Jenny Lynne) am a crucial part of your support network but not a substitute for professional advice in medical, legal, financial, or therapeutic fields. Ensure you have the right experts aligned for your needs. Accept that the process takes time, but with patience and commitment, significant personal transformation is possible. Communicate clearly during sessions, express any shifts in your condition, and voice concerns to tailor the approach as needed. Be open to experiencing and releasing uncomfortable emotions as part of the process. Complete any homework or practices assigned between sessions that you agree will support your healing journey. Incorporate learned self-awareness and self-care strategies into your daily routine. Understand and adhere to cancellation policies, make timely payments, and arrive on-time and prepared for each session.
  • Do I need to take notes in the session?
    No, you do not need to take notes. I take thorough notes of all the focus areas we discussed (past, current, and future potential items), specific issues/challenges, imbalances addressed, any details we identify about those imbalances together, homework, and any recommendations for processing and integration. Those notes are made available to you immediately upon ending the session in the client portal.
  • What is available in the Client Portal?
    In addition to signing your consent form and accessing session notes, the Client Portal allows you to: Book, cancel, and reschedule appointments Message me with any questions in between sessions Log mood journals with quick notes as to how you’re feeling/why. I can see those and either respond, guide, or look at them in aggregate as preparation for our sessions. Receive reminders for assigned tasks and homework from sessions Downloading the app is the best way to get all the information you need at your fingertips. You can download that here: Download for iPhone/iPad Download for Android
  • When will I be charged for my session?
    Your payment will be securely stored and processed after the session is complete using Stripe. You will not be charged unless you have the session.
  • Why do you need my credit card if an upfront payment isn’t required?
    We store your credit card details so we can smoothly process the payment without interrupting your session for payment details. This way, your payment information stays safe and private. Plus, it helps you avoid complex invoicing and up-front payments.
  • How Does Jenny Lynne manage my personal data?
    Jenny Lynne uses Practice Better's secure, HIPPA-compliant platform to manage client data with end-to-end encryption and strict access controls. She ensures client consent and data privacy.
  • What is Energy Work?
    Energy work is a holistic practice that uses the body's natural energy fields to promote wellness. All matter is made up of energy down to the atomic level. Each atom is constantly in motion. Our bodies are no different. At a micro level, each atom is constantly moving. At a micro level, each thought, memory, emotion, experience, or transmission from the brain is an energy impulse. Our hearts have an electromagnet field that extends outside of our body. Energy work may involve multiple modalities, but what it has in common is directing the body's energy back into alignment by releasing, realigning, or adding energy in order to promote your body’s self-healing capabilities. There are a variety of ways to work with energy. Specific techniques It involves techniques like Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and Belief Code® to unblock, balance, and enhance overall energy flow.
  • Is Energy Work safe?
    Yes, energy work is non-invasive, gentle, and completely safe. However, because each person processes energy work differently and each session may be removing different energies, there is a chance that you will experience processing symptoms. Most people receiving energy work leave the session feeling lighter, but some will feel tired as their body processes the energy shifts. The processing can depend on the person, the modality, the practitioner’s style, the type of energy moved, and that individual's specific situation. There is no way to predict how your body will react, so we recommend giving yourself space and downtime immediately following the session if you can — especially if it’s your first time working with a given modality or practitioner.
  • What does it feel like to have Energy Work done?
    Everyone has a different level of sensitivity or awareness to energy movement in them, and different energies may be more or less noticeable. During the session: The majority of people will feel a lightness or relief as they go through a session Some people feel specific energies leave their body You may experience shifts in sensations (such as discomfort that moves) as energies are released and shift to reveal other areas that need to be focused on You may experience memories or echoes of emotions that are connected to the energy being released It’s also possible you will feel nothing at all After the session: The majority of people will feel the lightness or relief continue for a while after the session Some people experience bursts of energy after a session Sometimes, people will feel tired or “off” emotionally or physically as their body processes through the energies. If work is done to solve physical discomfort, your body may go into repair mode as it processes through energy that has been stuck, which may involve inflammation. If work is done to focus on emotional or mental energies, you may experience smaller versions of those emotions or have memories of events tied to those energies as your body processes them. Always communicate what you are feeling with your practitioner during a session and what you experienced after the last session before starting a new session. Your physical and emotional experience of the energy work is your body talking to you, and that two-way communication with your body helps us direct the work more effectively.
  • How can Energy Work be done remotely?
    Energy Work can be performed remotely as it operates on the principles of energy healing, which doesn't require physical presence. Energies are interconnected. Simply conversing with someone allows us to interact energetically regardless of whether we are physically present. We read them subconsciously and form opinions. Our thoughts and experiences all form energetic impulses. At the beginning of each session, we connect energies and complete a baseline test to ensure we are connected. And from there, we can direct our energies and share the experience regardless of how far apart we are.
  • How quickly can I see results from Energy Healing?
    The number of sessions needed varies widely among individuals. Some may find significant improvement after just one or a few sessions, while others may benefit from ongoing sessions to address deeper or multiple issues.
  • How often should I get Energy Work?
    Every individual’s journey is unique. But in general, here is the breakdown: Your body typically needs 1-3 days to process the energies that were released physically Integration can take up to 1 month to occur, depending on the work we did: Your body will continue to release energy and realign imbalances that are now unstuck because of the work we did In our coaching work, we’ll align on homework that will help you reinforce shifts that will be supportive of the outcomes you want As a result of my approach of focusing on root cause imbalances and combining release work with coaching, it is not uncommon for my clients to need up to 30 days of processing and integration time between sessions. Other common timeframes are 1-2 weeks. Rarely, if we are working on an acute issue or set of more physical issues and you have set aside time and energy to resolve it as quickly as possible (including the processing time), it may make sense to do work more than once a week, but that is an exception, not the rule. At the end of each session, we will work together to determine the optimal timeframe for you to fully process and integrate the changes. By combining coaching and energy work, we can shift focus to release or integration depending on where you’re in your growth journey.
  • How will I know when I’m “done” with this work?
    My goal will always be to help you get to the point where you feel generally satisfied and at home in your skin. If you hit that space, I will recommend you take a break and enjoy life! And when you’re ready for the next evolution. I’ll be here. Becoming the version of you that you feel really good about is a labor of love, and while it can be challenging at times, you’ll know you’re on track when you feel at ease in your skin.
  • Can Energy Work help with physical discomfort?
    Yes, Energy Work can assist with physical discomfort. Over time, a variety of stuck energies can distort your body's access to the blueprint. As a result, things can get misaligned, blocked, or healing can get halted. Energy work can help your body get closer to its optimal level of self-healing capabilities by removing distortions between your subconscious and the instruction manual for your body. Energy work cannot take the place of good medical care. It is, however, supportive of your overall medical care, helping your body closer to an optimal level of self-healing. It is important if you have pain that could have an underlying cause that can be diagnosed and treated by a medical or physical professional to pursue that path in parallel to any energy work. In the case of an emergency, you must call 911. Once stabilized and the appropriate medical attention is received, we can add energy work if your subconscious allows it.
  • I did the Energy Work, and now the issue I thought I dealt with is coming back. Why is that?
    Several things can cause this: Your body may be letting you know that you are on the right track, but there’s more to do You may have a “magnet area” or an area/issue where you commonly hold stuck energy. You may be ready for a new layer of healing. Whatever the reason, it typically indicates you are on the right track, but there is more to do!
  • Will I have to relive painful memories during energy healing sessions?
    It isn’t required. You don’t need to relive or intensely discuss past traumas or painful memories during release sessions unless it is helpful to you in processing and integrating changes in your life. That being said, some people will have an emotional release when certain things are released or will have a memory surface during the release process or in the period after. You get to decide how much you express or share what you are experiencing throughout the journey. Because we layer coaching into the sessions, processing on a conscious level or the embodiment of the change you wish to make can be an integral part of the work and moving forward. I will help guide and facilitate that process and check in with your comfort level. It is essential to let me know your preferences and comfort level every step of the way so I can honor the type of space you need to move forward in your journey.
  • What is Emotion Code?
    Emotion Code® is a specific Energy Work modality that is part of a method developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson and overseen by Discover Healing – the company Dr. Nelson Founded. Emotion Code® aims to identify and release trapped emotions in the body believed to contribute to physical and emotional discomfort. These negative energies can create a negative charge around experiences you have today and act as anchors holding you in the past and keeping you from living fully in the present. Discover Healing requires Emotion Code Practitioners to be certified to use their method. Their rigorous certification methodology ensures that a practitioner who practices in this modality has completed intensive course work, a minimum number of contact hours with clients, and had their portfolio reviewed and signed off on.
  • How does Emotion Code® work?
    Emotion Code® use kinesiology (muscle testing) to identify trapped energies, emotions, imbalances, misalignments, or belief systems, which are then released using a magnet passed over the Governing Meridian. The process seeks to remove emotional baggage, mental energies, toxins, pathogens, and other distortions to promote well-being and your body’s natural healing capabilities.
  • What is the difference between Reiki and the Discover Healing modalities of Emotion Code® Body Code™, and Belief Code®?
    Reiki, Emotion Code® Body Code™, and Belief Code® are forms of energy healing. Reiki channels universal energy to the body, promoting balance and relaxation. Energy is placed and released without specifying precisely what energies are being released and from what areas of the body. The Discover Healing modalities Emotion Code® Body Code™, and Belief Code® are targeted energy release systems. They target the release, realignment, and resetting of specified energies and systems to address a specific issue someone is having. In some cases in Body Code™, and Belief Code®, specific energy will be placed. However, it is usually targeted energy, such as installing a replacement belief, and you will approve all energies placed into you.
  • How does Emotion Code® improve emotional health?
    It addresses and releases trapped emotions, creating a better emotional balance, reducing anxiety, and improving your sense of well-being.
  • What happens in an Emotion Code® session?
    We will take the first few minutes to discuss your priorities, and if you’re new – I will walk you through the process, your preferences, and any questions you have. After that, we will verify I am connected to your energy and have a short grounding practice. Then, we will identify any trapped emotions in your emotional backpack that are causing or contributing to your issues. I will identify the specific emotion by interacting with your subconscious through muscle testing. If required, we can get the age or basic information about life events. Typically, the information doesn’t need to be known for the emotion to be released, but sometimes it is helpful in integrating changes that you are looking to make. Some of that information might come intuitively to one of us (or) we will gather it via muscle testing. Once identified, we release the emotions and then continue in that pattern until we’ve worked through the issue(s) prioritized that session, we hit the end of our time together, (or) your subconscious indicates that it’s a good time to stop. Because coaching is integrated into each session, at the end of the session, we will identify homework that will support your continued growth and healing and determine the optimal timing for the next session.
  • What is Body Code™?
    Body Code™ is a method of Energy Work that aims to identify the root cause of imbalances that can contribute to physical discomfort, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges, or issues hitting your life goals. Emotion Code® is a subset of the Body Code™. Body Code™ covers an expanded set of domains beyond emotions and includes mental energies, trauma energies, pathogens, toxins, and misalignments in the body and energy systems.
  • What is the Heart Wall?
    The Heart Wall is a concept within the Emotion Code® and Body Code™ systems, where trapped emotions can create a wall around the heart. This wall can affect one's ability to give and receive, as well as the ability to process new emotions. The result is that more emotions are trapped, causing increased imbalances over time that the body has to deal with — or more distortions in the blueprint your subconscious leans on to operate at full steam. These increased imbalances can impact overall well-being emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. While heart walls are not the only walls, they are a common wall many people have and can rebuild throughout their lives as they encounter emotionally difficult situations.
  • Does a Heart Wall need to be addressed before additional work can be done?
    No. While taking down the Heart Wall can be a dramatic shift for many people, it is not always the highest priority energy to release. In addition, taking down a Heart Wall if you’re in a situation that isn’t conducive to remaining open may not be appropriate. I allow each session to unfold organically and address the Heart Wall only when it presents itself. If I get an indicator of a heart wall, we will check on the priority, and if now is not the appropriate time to work on it, we will add it to our list to check in periodically and take it down when it’s ready.
  • What is Belief Code®?
    Belief Code® is an energy healing method that builds on Emotion Code® and Body Code™ techniques. It focuses on identifying and changing negative subconscious beliefs to promote positive changes in your life.
  • What is Functional Freeze?
    Someone experiencing Functional Freeze can perform daily activities like working and socializing but internally feel immobilized by anxiety, trauma, or fear, leading to a lack of motivation and a feeling of disconnection. Many of my clients have found relief from Energy Work.
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Skeptical? Book a free Body Code demonstration to try it risk-free and see if it's right for you.

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